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Raj Budwal
Raj Budwal
Raj Budwal
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(408) 835-0202
Harjot "Ginny" Walia
Founder of The Walia Law Firm, Harjot "Ginny" Walia has handled numerous cases throughout the criminal courts of the greater San Francisco Bay Area. San Francisco criminal defense attorney, Harjot "Ginny" Walia, has achieved a very high level of success in a relatively short period of time. The firm has reached great heights due to Ms. Walia’s extensive jury trial record, brilliant mind, competitive attitude and a willingness to fight for her clients. She has handled hundreds of criminal cases as a San Francisco Public Defender and in private practice.
- What are our rights if we are stopped by law enforcement, be it local police, California Highway Patrol or FBI?
- Why is it important to know these rights if one is not engaged in any “Criminal Activity?”
- Discuss the fourth amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures? Does the police have to have a warrant to search my house, car or person?
- Should you consent to a search of your home, vehicle or person when the police officer does not have a warrant?
- Discuss the Fifth Amendment right to remain silent? What does it mean?
- What is the right to an attorney? Under what circumstances does the government have to provide an attorney when an indigent person cannot afford an attorney?
- What is the difference between an arrest and a detention? At what stage do these rights apply?
The Walia Law Firm, Harjot Walia
(510) 887-5910