Dave Cortese is the District 3 representative to the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. He grew up in San Jose as part of a family that has been active in civic, cultural and business affairs for generations. He places high priority on transportation issues, education, and neighborhood services. Cortese was elected to the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors in the fall of 2008.
1) Our children are our future. How can we get young people involved in taking care of Mother Earth?
2) The County should be leading in climate protection and environmental protection. What steps is the County taking in these areas?
3) As you know our studio is here on King Road in West Evergreen. Getting to places around the county would be a lot easier if we had better public transportation here. What can we look forward to?
4) We keep hearing about the budget crisis in the state of California. What does that mean for Santa Clara County? What have you fought to protect in the budget?
5) With the bad budget situation, families in the community are worried about the quality of our schools. You used to serve on the board of the high school district that covers half the city of San Jose. How can you help us to fight these cuts?
6) With the bad economy, families need to find less expensive ways to have fun. What does the County have to offer?